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EHS Orientation Quiz

After you've watched the Orientation Video, complete this quiz to finalize your orientation.

To receive a Pass, you must a answer at least 3 of the 5 questions correctly.  If you pass, you will receive an EHS Orientation Confirmation Email and a copy will be automatically forwarded to Arrow Utilities.  If you receive a score less than 3/5, you will have to re-attempt the quiz.  Only passing confirmation emails are automatically forwarded to Arrow Utilities.


You need to work past the expiry time on your Safe Work Permit. What should you do?

The Main Plant Site Muster location is located where?

Your Hydrogen Sulfide Gas Detector alarms and you were exposed to 15 parts per million H2S, what should you do?

There was a Plant Wide General Alarm and you went to the muster location. You cannot leave muster or go back to work until:

To phone an outside number from an Arrow Utilities land-line, you must first dial 9, then the phone number.