EHS Orientation Quiz

After you've watched the Orientation Video, complete this quiz to finalize your orientation.

To receive a Pass, you must a answer at least 3 of the 5 questions correctly.  If you pass, you will receive an EHS Orientation Confirmation Email and a copy will be automatically forwarded to Arrow Utilities.  If you receive a score less than 3/5, you will have to re-attempt the quiz.  Only passing confirmation emails are automatically forwarded to Arrow Utilities.


You may be asked to place a personal padlock on an energy-isolating device such as a breaker. Why is this important?

The Muster Location at Pump Stations is the Yard Perimeter Access Gate.

What is the posted speed limit on Plant Site roads?

What are the four pieces of minimum PPE you must wear in Arrow Utilities’s Process Areas?

It’s okay to drink water from: