EHS Orientation Quiz

After you've watched the Orientation Video, complete this quiz to finalize your orientation.

To receive a Pass, you must a answer at least 3 of the 5 questions correctly.  If you pass, you will receive an EHS Orientation Confirmation Email and a copy will be automatically forwarded to Arrow Utilities.  If you receive a score less than 3/5, you will have to re-attempt the quiz.  Only passing confirmation emails are automatically forwarded to Arrow Utilities.


If you have an emergency, how can you get help?

If you are not familiar with a hazardous chemical you may encounter at Arrow Utilities's worksites, what is the best thing you could do to prevent injury or illness?

In Alberta, what are your rights as a worker under Occupational, Health & Safety Legislation?

You need to work past the expiry time on your Safe Work Permit. What should you do?

What is a good way to prevent illness from biological hazards in sewage?